TFOE Map Game Wiki

Frissia (North Holland) 1.000.000

Sapmi (Lapland) 1.000.000

Padania (North Italy) 1.000.000

Spanish Republic - Augusto Lord 1.000.000

Portugal 1.000.000

Austrian Duchy 1.000.000

Czeckia 1.000.000

4t Reich (Germany , Prussia and North Tirol) 1.000.000

Albania 1.000.000

The FYROM (Grecee , Macedonia , South Serbia and East Bulgaria) 1.000.000

Yugoslavian States of Serbia , Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina 1.000.000

Occitania (South France) 1.000.000

Katalonia (Catalonia and Bordeaoux) 1.000.000

Norway (includes Sweden) SinderKinder 1.000.000

Finnia (Finland and Kola) Kitsune the Pro 1.000.000

Hungary (Hungary , Transilvania and Vojda) 1.000.000

Soviet Union (Older lands except siberia) Tonio 321 1.000.000

Dennnnnn (Denmark lands and Iceland) 1.000.000

Netherlands 1.000.000

Benelux (Belgium) 1.000.000

Italy (Ferraria) 1.000.000

England 1.000.000 (TheRealYoshifan)

Scottland 1.000.000

Wales 1.000.000

Ireland Island 1.000.000

Poland (All Poland except Prusia) 1.000.000 Czarno

Second Ottoman Empire (Turkey , Irak , Syria , Kwait , Jordania and North Iran) 1.000.000 Drexmapper

Jew Union (Israel , Palestine , Lebanon and Suez) 1.000.000

Jabril Caliphate (Arabia , Yemen , Oman , UAE , Qatar and Bahrein) 1.000.000

Iran (All Iran except their North) 1.000.000

Siberia 1.000.000 TheConqueror2015

Hindusraj (India , Pakistan , Nepal and Buthan)1.000.000 Manuel Mongol

China (Old Lands and Mongolia) 1.000.000 Nicolas

Korea (All Korea Peninsula) 1.000.000

Soran (Greece and Cyprus) 1.000.000

Japan (Older lands and Taiwan) 1.000.000

Java Union (Indonesia , Malasya , Timor , except New Guinea) 1.000.000 Súper Crooco.

Papuania (All New Guinea Island) 1.000.000

Australia-Zealand (Australia and New Zealand) 1.000.000

Federal State of Micronesia 1.000.000

Tsonga 1.000.000

Vanuatum (Rest of Littles islands in Pacific) 1.000.000

Hawaii 1.000.000

Alaska 1.000.000

USA 1.000.000

Quebec 1.000.000

Kanada (Includes Seattle) 1.000.000

Mexican Empire (All Central América , México and old lands in USA) 1.000.000

Gran Colombia (Older Lands) 1.000.000

Peru 1.000.000

Mulatto 1.000.000

Guyana 1.000.000

Cuban Union (All Caribbean) 1.000.000

North Brazil 1.000.000

South Brazil 1.000.000

Paraguayan Union (Paraguay , Uruguay and Bolivia) 1.000.000

Chile 1.000.000

Argentina 1.000.000

South Africa Commonwealth (Namibia , South África , Mozambique , Botswana and Madagascar) 1.000.000

The Sahar (W.S. , Morocco , Algeria , Tunisia , North Maurithania and North Mali. 1.000.000

Sudan (Sudan and South Sudan) 1.000.000

Kenya 1.000.000

Somalis 1.000.000

Other Ethiopian Empire (Ethiopia , Djibuti , Eritrea) 1.000.000

Central African Republic 1.000.000

Kongo (Equatorial Guinea , Congo , DR Congo , Tanzania , Rwanda and Malawi) 1.000.000

Pylon (Egypt except Suez) 1.000.000

Guinean Union (Benín , Nigeria , Kameroo , Liberia , Sierra Leona , Senegal , Guinea-Bissau , Portuguese Guinea and Benín) 1.000.000

Switzerland 1.000.000

Lienchestein 1.000.000

San Marino 1.000.000

Vatican City 1.000.000 Sealand 1.000.000

Luxembourg Peotectorate (Germany) 50.000
